In my presentation, we will discuss about the future. But, it’s not about the future of the earth, the universe, or something like that. It’s about the human future, most about their attitude. Will they be a good or bad people? We will find the answer soon..Here goes..
Success or not, be a good or bad people, all decided since they were kid. The actor behind all of this is…of course their parents. They taught their kid how to walk, to respect the people that older than him/her, to make the good behavior, attitude, and so that they’ll have the bright future. It depends on their way how to teach the kid to be success in the future.
Ok, my friends. I have the new information about this topic. It’s about the baby smoker. His name is Al, 2 years old. He is from Musi Banyuasin, the city in the province of Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. His mother, Diana, said that Al has been smoking since he was 11 months old. At the market, his mother suddenly saw Diana kept a cigarette and smoke. Al can spend three until four a pack of cigarette a day. The cost to buy the cigarette is Rp 50.000,00 a day. Whereas, the income of his family just Rp 70.000,00 a day. Moreover, his parents ever to not cook because the money spent to buy the cigarette for Al. When his parents didn’t want to buy him the cigarette because there was no money, Al jumped until his head shattered and his hand was broken. As we know, smoking will cause an impact that very dangerous. Moreover, he still 2 years old, he still growth. I don’t know what will happen with him in the future. The bad habits will bring until he grow up to be an adult.
OMG, why his parents do like that? They let their people to smoke everyday, why they don’t stop it?..ya, like I said before, it’s because the “parents” factor. They teach us first, and we continue ourself. It will not happen like this if his parents taught him to be a good people with good behavior, attitude, etc. Beside the “parents” factor, there are another factor. The factor is “environment”. Ya, you can guess what environment that occupied by Al. The good environment will not make Al to be like that. It’s because an influence of the bad environment. I choose this topic because it’s interesting. I care with my future, I wanna have a bright future, and I wanna see them in a bright future. Why the topic is so important? Because I just want them to know, and to care about their future.
So, don’t let the bad things happen to us. From now, we have to know what decisions we need to make today will give the best result in the future. Be sure to be success and have a bright future. That’s what I can tell you about this topic. I’m sorry if I have a mistake. Thank’s for your attention, see ya..
Ya, inilah yang A’a bawakan di depan kelas tadi malam. Meski Cuma 5 menit, tapi 5 menit yang sungguh berkesan dan bikin terlihat gagah (uueek~) di depan kelas..hhee..bikin ketagihan. Trus, abis maju, dikasih Dunkin Donuts gitu ama native speaker (NS). Wah, baru kali ini yah ada guru yang baik kek gitu..hhuhuu..oke, sampai ketemu lagi di postingan selanjutnya..hhehe..pesan A’a, “Bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan”. Jangan malas untuk belajar, karna itu adalah bekal untuk kamu di kemudian hari nanti (sok banget…*ap hubungannya*)..Have a nice holiday, enjoy it.. :D
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